

My name is Samuel Kembou. I am an Economist. I received my training in Cameroon (University of Yaoundé 2), France (Universities of Lyon and Aix-Marseille), the US (Dartmouth College), and the UK (University of Cambridge). My research expertise is in health, education, and social protection.

I am a Program Manager in charge of Knowledge & Learning at the Jacobs Foundation.

I am originally from Cameroon and have lived and worked on the African continent for most of my life: 25 years between West and Central Africa. I am the former Country Representative and Research Manager for Innovations for Poverty Action in West Africa (Côte d’Ivoire office).


The ILO Global Wage Report is out. I am one of the 6 special contributors to this flagship. Check this out.

NEW: 4-minute read on how we used short mobile films to influence caregiving behaviors in rural Côte d’Ivoire.


Reach out if you would like to discuss some more!

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